Frequently Asked Questions

  • Established in 2011, Kehilla’s Rental Assistance Program bridges the gap between market rental rates and what a person in need can afford. Eligible households who are spending more than 35% of their income in rent are assisted with up to $400 in monthly support to live within the Community. RAP is funded by the private donors through an annual fundraising campaign.

  • You may qualify for Kehilla’s Rental Assistance Program if you are paying more than 35% of your income on rent and if you fit the following criteria:

    You may qualify for Kehilla’s Rental Assistance Program if you are paying more than 35% of your income on rent and if you fit the following criteria:

    -You are Jewish.

    -You live in the Jewish Community in the Greater Toronto Area.

    -If you live in a 1-bedroom apartment, pay up to a maximum of $1,836.00 in rent and your yearly combined household income $62,941.00 or less.

    -If you live in a 2-bedroom apartment, pay up to a maximum of $2,243.00 in rent and your yearly combined household income is $76,892.00 or less.

    -If you live in a 3-bedroom apartment, pay up to a maximum of $2,551.00 in rent and your yearly combined household income is $87,470.00 or less.

  • You must be a Survivor of the Holocaust pay more than 35% of your income on rent and have a Claims Conference Number to qualify.

  • You can complete the form below and a Kehilla Residential Programme staff will contact you to walk you through the process. You may also call us at 647-484-4446. Please note that it may take 2 business days for a staff to contact you, so please be patient. Someone will call you back.

  • Once your application has been approved for the waiting list, you will be contacted when a space becomes available. Because the need for RAP continues to grow applicants may wait more than 3 years for assistance.

  • Please call 647-484-4446 x 1 or email us at

    You can also make a donation through Canada Helps.