Kehilla in the news.
March 29, 2022 | Toronto Life
Leonid Markunin, 65, lived near the seaside in Odessa, Ukraine, with his wife Liana. When the city came under attacked, the pair began a tense week-long journey to Toronto. Thanks to support from the Jewish Immigrant Aid Services and a referral to Kehilla they are waiting to hear back on a potential apartment.
December 18, 2019 | Canadian Architect
Kehilla Residential Programme has announced the four winners of the Moving Modular Forward architectural competition for modular, portable and affordable housing design ideas.
August 25, 2017 | The Star
Naum Shagas doesn’t have much. His studio apartment in North York, no more than 20-by-18 feet, is where he spends most of his time alone. It’s furnished entirely through donations and he sometimes has to put up with cockroaches.